Startup Hiccups

November 6, 2023 | Startup Hiccups | 0 Comments

Every new organization and its workforce embark on a learning journey in the field. Consequently, there are numerous avoidable and common sense missteps that, when rectified, can yield significant benefits.

Many organizations readily invest in infrastructure and equipment, yet they often falter when it comes to investing in their human capital. They opt to recruit so-called “trained manpower” from established hospitals, assuming that these individuals possess the requisite skills. While this approach has some merit, it is not without its pitfalls.

Firstly, candidates from different institutions bring a diverse range of training backgrounds, and some are even self-taught. This diversity can result in a lack of professional uniformity, inadequate technical proficiency, and other issues that can lead to workplace disasters and high attrition rates.

When a professional leaves their previous job to join a new, unbranded organization, it usually signifies that their prior job performance was subpar or that they were asked to leave. In some cases, individuals choose to pursue new opportunities for promotions or higher salaries. Traditional hospitals tend to offer more stable but slower salary growth, whereas new organizations often attract talent by offering higher initial salaries.

For an organization’s sustained growth, training is an indispensable tool. Furthermore, mentoring holds great potential for enhancing value without incurring significant costs. Senior employees within the system should allocate some of their time to guide and mentor their younger counterparts. In my perspective, there are no shortcuts or alternatives to mentoring for the advancement of the organization, particularly in the context of India’s healthcare delivery sector.

Copyright Dr. Alok Roy

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